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July 21st

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Jesus Manifesto // Spiritual Baptism, Therefore Spiritual Battle

Jesus Manifesto // Spiritual Baptism, Therefore Spiritual Battle

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Community Guide

Each Sunday that you come together with your Community Group, we encourage you to spend time centering on

God’s presence through worship, learning from the scriptures, praying, and just spending time together. 

Up to date message slides will be available by the following Monday Morning.

TAKEAWAY: ​Understanding our identity as God's beloved children transforms our attitude and response to challenges​.

HEAD CHANGE:  Spiritual baptism is often followed by spiritual battle.

HEART CHANGE: Our weapons against spiritual attacks are the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.

LIFE CHANGE: Jesus' baptism and temptation demonstrate the pattern of affirmation followed by opposition.


Spiritual Baptism and Spiritual Battle

In this powerful message, we explore the profound connection between spiritual baptism and spiritual battle. The core of this teaching revolves around Jesus' baptism in Matthew 3 and His subsequent temptation in Matthew 4. We're reminded that as we draw closer to God and experience His love, we must also be prepared for spiritual conflict. This pattern, exemplified by Jesus, teaches us that our greatest moments of spiritual affirmation are often followed by our toughest battles. We're encouraged to understand that facing trials doesn't mean we've done something wrong or that God has abandoned us. Instead, it's a natural part of our spiritual journey, just as it was for Jesus. This perspective shift can transform how we approach difficulties in our faith walk, seeing them as opportunities for growth rather than punishment.


  1. How does the idea that spiritual growth often leads to spiritual battle challenge or affirm your understanding of the Christian life?

  2. In what ways does Satan try to make you doubt your identity as a child of God? How can you combat these doubts?

  3. How can we practically rely on the Word of God and the Spirit of God in our daily lives?

  4. How can we encourage one another to rest in God's love and approval rather than seeking it through performance?



Lord, thank you for speaking to our hearts today. We ask that you teach us to rely on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to combat spiritual attack and help us cultivate a deeper sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's guidance. We choose to rest in your love amidst life's challenges. In Jesus' name, Amen.

"But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."

John 1:12

Looking for previous Community Guides? Find them on the Watch page

See you next week!
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