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April 28th

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We are the church, wherever we gather. Right now, we're meeting in person and live streaming here on Sundays. If you are not yet comfortable meeting in person, we encourage you to watch online with family and friends! 

Sundays at 9:00 and 10:30am 

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On The Table // God's Vision of Sexuality - Part Two

On The Table // God's Vision of Sexuality - Part Two

Play Video
April 28th

Each Sunday that you come together with your Community Group, we encourage you to spend time centering on

God’s presence through worship, learning from the scriptures, praying, and just spending time together. 

Up to date message slides will be available by the following Monday Morning.

Community Guide

TAKEAWAY: Social sexuality and genital sexuality are different aspects of our sexuality that need to be understood separately.

HEAD CHANGE: The true desire of our souls is to be fully known and loved, not just physical sex.

HEART CHANGE: Sexual sin is not worse than other sin, but it is different.     

LIFE CHANGE: The church is called to build deep wells of water—environments of fulfillment and acceptance—rather than erecting barriers.

God’s Vision for Sexuality - Part Two

Explore the multifaceted nature of love through the lens of the Greek language, where four distinct words paint a complex picture of this fundamental human emotion. We steer the conversation towards understanding how a society's quest for eros, or romantic love, can overshadow the more enduring agape love demonstrated by Jesus. With insights from psychiatrist Miriam Grossman, we acknowledge the often-overlooked emotional repercussions of casual relationships. Listen as we confront the challenge of aligning our modern views with a life-affirming Christian approach to intimacy and connection.


  1. What stood out to you in this teaching? Why do you think that resonated?

  2. In the teaching, the speaker discusses the four Greek words for love and emphasizes the importance of agape. How does 1 John 4:8, where it states that "God is love," influence our pursuit and expression of love in our relationships?

  3. The teaching addresses the emotional and spiritual imprints of sexual bonding. How do Jesus' teachings in Mark 10 and Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 6:16 guide us in understanding the significance of sexual intimacy within the covenant of marriage

  4. Considering the sermon's message on the toll of casual intimacy, how can we support each other in seeking wholeness and healing in line with the principles found in Psalm 147:3, which says, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds"?

  5. Reflect on the teaching’s call to sever bonds from past sexual sin through prayer. How can the process described in James 5:16, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed," assist us in finding liberation and healing?


Heavenly Father, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. I bring my past before You, seeking Your forgiveness and healing. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and guide me in the path wholeness. Amen.

Looking for previous Community Guides? Find them on the Watch page

See you next week!
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