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We're on a mission to change that.

Ethos Communities

The heart of how we live life together as a family here at Ethos and practice the way of Jesus together in Columbus is through what we call Ethos Communities. 


An Ethos Community is a group of people who are a part of the Ethos family, who make a one-year commitment to gather together around the table with the goal of being formed by Jesus in community. 

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2024 Year End Report

We continue to be amazed at what God is doing through Ethos! We don’t care what part we play; we are just thankful to play a part.


As you read this report, our prayer is that you would sense the whisper of the Spirit saying to you, "Well done." We truly believe God is smiling on the collective work of Ethos and believe that the best is yet to come. 

BREAD Devotional

We believe when we open the Bible, we hold in our hands extraordinary life. We believe that in every season, from the valleys to the hilltop moments, the scriptures sustain us daily. Contained in its pages are words that set people free and teach us how to live the unforced rhythms of grace that humanity was always created for.

Join us on a year long journey through the Psalms and New Testament together. 


28 Days of Prayer & Digital Fast

God isn’t interested in us practicing religion; instead, He desires a relationship with us. And God loves for us to talk with Him. 28 Days of Prayer is a way to connect with God personally, ask for His guidance and wisdom, and lean on His provision. And as a community, 28 Days of Prayer is a great way to be united in prayer as we believe God to move in our lives, community, and nation.

Additionally, during this time we will be participating in a "digital fast" as a church. To learn more and see how you can participate, visit the link below.

Ethos + Co Cafe

Come out on Monday through Friday 7am-4pm to browse our menu and purchase some coffee, tea, smoothies, food, and more!

Ethos + Co Cafe's profits will go to rotating non-profit partners in our area!

6576 Africa Rd. Westerville, OH 43082


Ethos 101-301

Ethos 101-301 guides you to discover your purpose and live the life God created for you. Ethos 101 & 201 are available on demand on our website followed by Ethos 301 in person. 


In Ethos 101, you’ll hear the story of Ethos Church from Pastors Jordan and Courtney Smucker, and why Ethos exists. In Ethos 201, you’ll hear the "what" behind Ethos.


We hold Ethos 301 sessions at Ethos + Co every other month on Sunday evenings. You’ll get to meet some of the Ethos servant leaders and find connection to the opportunities available at Ethos to help you live out your purpose and serve others by using your God-given gifts.

Lead Pastors

Ethos is led by Jordan and Courtney Smucker. In 2018, alongside 78 incredible servant leaders, the Smuckers planted a life-giving church in Columbus. They are committed to building a relationally healthy community that loves all people in Jesus' name. 



Join us Sundays at 8:30a or 10:30a (Ethos Kids available)

Ethos @ Bale Kenyon

6861 Bale Kenyon Road

Lewis Center, OH 43035


Join us Sundays at 9:30a (Ethos Kids not available)

Ethos @ Africa Road

6576 Africa Road, Westerville, OH 43082


Kids at home? Missed a Sunday? Don't worry, we got this! As we gather together in-person and online, we have your little ones in mind.


Everybody can play a part - you belong even if you don't believe the same things

Your story matters - you won't find judgement or perfect people here

We are a church for ALL PEOPLE - our differences make us better

The big "C" Church is our focus - we'll partner with others to do God's work

We will laugh and have fun - we work hard and play hard

Generosity is our privilege - we want to know if you need anything (big or small)

We're big on being real - we have each others' backs

Purpose can be found here - Jesus gives us life and purpose

Next Steps

Following Jesus is a journey. Wherever you are in life, whatever is going on, you will always have a next step to take. We want to help you in any way we can.

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